Dettagli del progetto
Realizzazione a progetto
officine VEXA
Luglio 2018 & Luglio 2019
Carpenteria metallica
Realizzazione a progetto
officine VEXA
Luglio 2018 & Luglio 2019
When required by the construction site, our company operates also temporary, infrastructural interventions, as in this work order of the summer 2018. Near Sarzana, in the province of La Spezia (Italy), the street named “Strada Provinciale 432” becomes a viaduct to cross the ship canal at the mouth of River Magra. The boats suitable to navigate in its waters can reach up to a certain size. In July 2018, VEXA was asked to execute an extraordinary intervention on the bridge. It had to open the bridge bays in order to allow the passage of a boat whose dimensions exceeded those of common boats.
The intervention took two days (one as a test and the other for the actual opening of the bays), the second almost one week after the first. The work was based on the project provided by the purchaser and it was implemented with means and workforce from VEXA. It included the activation of a traffic light and the subsequent closing of the bars along the bridge sides, the dismantling of the road barriers and of the parapet chains, the opening of the mobile bay and the passage of the boat. Once the boat had passed, we then closed again the mobile bay and went ahead with the reassembly, clearing the roadway and reopening to traffic.
On 18 July 2019, two VEXA teams, coordinated by Elio Guerini (who was in charge of this work order), went back to Sarzana to reopen Colombiera Bridge. With a role of higher responsibility, dedication and new experience, in less than 24 hours, VEXA’s qualified personnel executed all movement works, significantly decreasing the traffic closure time and allowing the passage of the boat with as few inconveniencies as possible.