Listed below are the projects financed by entities and institutions which benefited the company VEXA S.r.l.
Smart Working
an innovative business model
Initiative carried out in the context of Priority Axis I – Employment
Objective “Investments in favor of growth and employment”
Action 8.6.1 – Integrated actions of active and passive policies, including retraining and outplacement actions for workers involved in crisis situations linked to corporate restructuring and restructuring plans.
Purpose of the project: Supporting the increase in work productivity and the promotion of innovative work organization models through the adoption of a smart working plan.
VEXA s.r.l. has submitted an application for a grant under the “PUBLIC NOTICE FOR THE ADOPTION OF SMART WORKING BUSINESS PLANS – CUP E85G19000030009” aimed at promoting innovative models of work organization to increase company productivity and the well-being of workers, and to facilitate the reconciliation of life and work times, eliminating the constraint of the place where the service is to be performed and leaving the worker free to choose.
The company requested an intervention to support the adoption of the smart working plan and specifically:
- Preliminary consultancy activities for the adoption of the smart working plan;
- Specialized training activities;
- Start-up and monitoring of a pilot project;
- Purchase of suitable technological equipment to support smart workers.
At the end of the project VEXA s.r.l. will have increased its organizational flexibility and efficiency by experimenting with an innovative model of internal organization.
For further information on the POR FSE, I invite you to access the website